- Decent work and Economic Growth.
I feel this goal is the most important because it allows people to benefit make a living based on their own hardwork and helping to build a progressive society. In the old Chinese saying says "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime", to help a person acquiring a life skill can help them to live independently and give back the rewards to society again. I strongly believe this goal is attainable if every entrepreneur cares for their employees and be willing to invest in their employees - No poverty
This is another important goal as 9.6% of the world population is still living under Poverty according to a report publish by the UN in 2015. The defination of poverty can be classified as people who live are living below USD$1,90 a day. In the modern world that we are living today, it is hard to imagine living on $1,90 a day. Hence, i believe this is an important goal we need to eradicate and through creating jobs and teaching others a life skill, poverty can surely be eradicated. - Responsible consumption and production.
As the world is getting increasingly polluted and growing wastage from a capitalist system. This problem is worrying and i believe we need to look into this carefully to make this world a sustainable place for us and for our future. In a report publish by UNEP, it states that "Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year approximately 1.3 billion tonnes gets lost or wasted", this amount is worrying. If we can create a system which can better allocates resources during production and every citizen does their part. This goal can be within reached. So as a social entrepreneur, we can help to solve this by considering this point when making business decisions. - Quality Education
To have a better future, we need to invest more on the young as they are the future leaders of this world. Hence, quality education is an important goal that social entrepreneurs have to focus on. Through better allocating teaching resources and creating an environment of learning, This goal can be attained. - Affordable and clean Energy
This is another important goal which can make the world a much more sustainable place as right now we are depleting our natural supplies such as water, minerals and crude oil. Many countries have already start building so called "smart cities" such as using big data to determine the efficient supply of trains of buses to run on the road. Creating more opportunities to reducing wastage. Water Dams and wind turbines can create more clean energy if we start to look into this.
Social Entrepreneur
Name: Josephine Ng
Country: Singapore
Name: Josephine Ng
Country: Singapore
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. And that exactly what a changing is doing.
A changing is the choice brand for for quality apparel alterations. What is admirable about this company, is that they provide training and employment opportunities to women in need and it doesn’t stop there. With flexible working hours in place, the company is able to arrange flexible working schedules for ease and better work life balance.
And this system has been favourable not just for the workers but the employers as well. A changing is also committed to skills upgrading and training opportunities to help boost their income. Today the company employs 25 staffs. 25 empowered women.
Presentation from classmate
I recalled Shiori's presentation of Adrienne Tan, who is a social entrepreneur from Indonesia and helps in the educating the poor children in India. I found her very admirable as she gave up her job to create schools in India that will help children in receiving a better education and break away from the poor cycle. This set me thinking that in order to create employment for people, it has to start at an early stage where children have a life goal to look up to and to pursue in the things they like. And education plays an important role in this so this has inspired me to look at things from a different perspective.
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